One Step at a Time

This week, I talked to a client of mine who is a successful leader in a network marketing company. She was on cloud nine, having just had her best month of growth and hitting her highest level of income in her business ever. Our call of celebration and excitement was so much fun, but I…

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8 signs it’s the right time for a coach.

I took a little impromptu survey recently of some of my one-on-one clients and asked them, “How did you know it was time to hire a coach?“ This is what they said. “I couldn’t work any more hours but I wanted my business to grow. I knew I had to change the way I thought and worked…

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Time To Grow

In some seasons we grow roots and in others, we grow flowers. Some of my clients are in a season of growing roots right now. It’s a dark season, one where they are digging deeply down inside themselves to discover and replace unhealthy thought habits that hold them back. Sometimes this involves creating new boundaries,…

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The Rule of Ten

Do you know the rule of ten? It’s a business rule that says that for every ten new (clients, team members, leaders, employees, etc) that you add to your business within a 6-12 month period, one will be a super star, 3-4 will be above average, 3-4 will be average/below average, and 1-2 probably never…

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Goals Need Boundaries

I often see leaders return from an emotionally charged training or event on fire and ready to take on the entire world. In a perfectly protected environment of inspiration and education, anything seems possible and goals are set with NO acknowledgement of life’s realities, relationships with loved ones or energy capacity. I’m not saying dreaming…

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Meet Bob

I’d like to introduce you to my new friend, Bob.   That’s really his name, given to him by the Troll creators that sold him to me on Amazon. I bought Bob at the encouragement of my writing coach, who warned me that in the journey of writing a book, I would certainly encounter some inner…

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Why you can’t outwork your thought habits.

I see a fascinating repeating pattern with clients who have immediate and direct control over increasing their income. Perhaps they have a business in direct sales or with a multi-level marketing company or maybe they work on commission or have the chance to earn generous performance-based bonuses at work. Even small business owners fall prey to this…

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Money Moves

One of the quotes that I read EVERY morning in my quiet time is from Jen Sincero’s book You Are a Bad Ass at Making Money.   She writes, “Money is a renewable resource. It comes and goes, it ebbs and flows, it’s meant to move. When we’re cheap about spending it or weird about receiving it, we…

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Personal Growth = Professional Growth

I got a text this week from a client that said, “I did it! My 2021 income exceeded $200,000! I would love to shout that out to everyone I know, but I feel like you are one of the few people I can tell.” To say that this text made my day could be the understatement…

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Amy’s Top 10 Favorite Things of 2021

1. The “Wouldn’t it be cool if….?” Game On the seven-hour drive home from dropping our oldest daughter Avery off at college, Ryan and I were bored and started to play the “Wouldn’t it be cool if….” game. You simply fill in the blank of this question, and in the process, you dream out loud…

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