“I See You will deeply impact any woman who may be exhausted yet still yearns for more. Amy Kemp deftly teaches readers that by thinking differently, they can create a tremendous amount of success and wealth without struggle or strain. This book is truly a game changer.”
Barbara Huson
Author of Overcoming Underearning and Rewire for Wealth

“I See You grounds professional guidance in a deep understanding of what it feels like to be in our big, beautiful, and sometimes messy and stressful lives. Amy Kemp delivers just the right balance of advice and encouragement, helping us to not only love the life we are in, but to accomplish our wildest dreams.”
Pamela Slim
Author of Body of Work and The Widest Net
I See You: A Guide For Women to Make More, Have More, and Be More—Without More Work
This book will help you create more beneficial thought habits in the following areas:

Download your special book companion, the "6 Most Important Things List" at the button below!

“In I See You, Amy Kemp uncovers the resistance you face in constructing support structures and gives you the fix. You’re about to conquer the trap of poor thinking habits and start seeing the results you deserve.”
Mike Michalowicz
Author of All In and Profit First

“Amy Kemp has cracked the code for hard-working, family-focused leaders who haven’t yet achieved the results they want and deserve. In I See You, she illuminates the thought habits that keep us from our dreams and offers simple yet powerful thinking shifts to create the life we want.”
AJ Harper
Award-winning author of Write a Must-Read

“Every once in a while we get the opportunity to read one of those books—one in which the author masterfully and authentically lets you in their world, one in which the author shares real-life experiences and wisdom so badly needed today by powerful yet often confused women. I have four daughters. Each one is receiving a copy of this book.”
Dave Blanchard
Author of Today I Begin a New Life, The Observer’s Chair, and Equanimity

“I See You is more than a book of quick-fix strategies that you’ve read a hundred times; it’s a guide to real, lasting life-change for women. After reading it, I believe more than ever that we don’t have to work more to get what we want.”
Tamsen Webster
Message Designer and author of Find Your Red Thread

“Amy Kemp has given all women a unique and valuable gift with I See You. This is not an amateur’s attempt to give some quick tips and strategies; this book offers an intimate, empathic journey, and it will change the personal and professional lives of so many readers.”
Doug McKinley
Host of Leadership Currency and author of The Resiliency Quest

“I first met Amy Kemp in South America on a quest to hike to the ancient fortress of Machu Picchu. Over days of hiking, I came to learn she’s not afraid of a challenge and she’s an encourager who is determined to get the entire team to their destination. I love how she has compiled her wisdom and energy into this book. I found myself scribbling lots of notes to myself as I read. You’re gonna love this book!”
Joël Malm
Founder of Summit Leaders and author of Connecting the Dots

“As a female leader coached by Amy Kemp during one of the hardest seasons of my personal life, I am grateful for her unique ability to simplify the difficult and help a person move from overwhelmed to empowered through small steps that add up to big achievements. She understands the challenges and fears surrounding life-change.”
Dee Korchan
CEO of Fit and Active Wellness

“I See You is much more than a book. It’s not just a book but a movement. A philosophy. A way of life. The insights you provide for women professionals is unparalleled in any other book ever written on the topic. You truly do see them because you are them."
Lane Monson
The 1-Percent Coach
About This Book
More about the book…
For over twenty years, I have worked closely with brilliant, ambitious and talented women who have already achieved an impressive level of success, climbing to the top ranks of their companies or industries. At some point in their journeys, I’ve watched each woman reach a level where she can’t work any longer or harder, but she still wants to increase her income, impact and influence. Stuck and frustrated, she runs smack dab into the core message of this book: You can’t outwork your thought habits. (If it was possible, trust me, these women would have already done it!) The tactics and strategies that created growth and got her where she is no longer move her forward like they used to. Most importantly, she doesn’t need to overhaul everything, but she must replace some habits of thinking that are no longer serving her.
What exactly is a thought habit? We talk about habits a lot, but the term “thought habit” isn’t one most people use on a daily basis. Imagine being able to unzip the top of your head and watch the deep grooves in which our thoughts travel over and over in our brains. With each successive trip, a groove deepens and smooths. These subconscious paths are our thought habits. We don’t consciously know they exist, but they impact every action we take. To move forward, we must stop blindly falling into old, comfortable pathways and create new habits of thinking. That is what you will find in the pages of this book - a step by step guide to replacing those thought habits that no longer serve you with new ones that do.
Perhaps this description hits close to home, and you are waving your hand in the air saying, “This is me! This is me! I’m utterly exhausted by the demands of my work and home responsibilities, yet I want more influence, impact and income…and I want it all without more work! I want to learn how to think differently.”
Well, hello my friend and welcome to the world of Amy Kemp, Inc. This is what we do here, and if this resonates, you are what I lovingly refer to as “my people.” I can assure you that it is possible to create what you want without more work, and I’m going to help you get there. I wrote every page of this book for you because…I See You. I really do.
☆ For Book Clubs ☆
I really can't think of a better book for a book club filled with women than I See You!
If you lead a club, participate in one or know someone who does and you want to use the book for your group, we have a special "Book Club Guide" that I made JUST FOR YOU!
All you need to do is email us at the button below with your group's receipts (minimum of six books) and we will send it right over, along with some other special resources! If you group is large, contact us about special bulk ordering options and incentives!
The guide includes discussion tools, some of my favorite recipes to take to parties and even my favorite candle to help you set the stage for your gathering! You will love it!
The Roundtable Discussion
A few months ago, I gathered a group of advance readers to have the first ever real, meaningful conversation abut I See You over lunch. These were some of my very first readers. You’ll even notice in the pictures that their books are spiral bound because we didn’t have any official printed copies yet; we had these printed at a local print shop for everyone! We also brought in a professional videographer to capture the experience.
During our conversation on my living room couches, we talked about principles we knew but needed to be reminded of, new thoughts that arose, parts we didn’t ever want to forget, and simple things that just felt…true from the book.
I say in the introduction of the video that when I die and go to heaven, I’m pretty sure I’ll be spending my days (when I’m not playing pickleball—LOL) with brilliant people talking about books. This conversation really was a slice of heaven on earth for me…and I’m beyond excited to share it with all of you.
Pull up a chair or pop in your airpods while you’re on a walk and listen in!
Purchase the recorded, four-part companion webinar and connect to the book even more!

I See You: A Guided Journey Through Amy's First Book
Is your stack of unread books about to topple over in spite of your best intentions and desires to learn and grow? Do you want to read them but just can't seem to make the time?
I am here to help, and I don't want my first book to simply get added to your ever-growing pile so I have created an online course to guide you through the pages of I See You.
Highlights of the course include:
- Manageable weekly reading "assignments" that will help keep you accountable to reading the book in one month
- Additional digital resources to support your journey through the book
- Lots of juicy discussion and insightful teaching about the principles taught in the book
- An interview with the author—that's me! As with all of my online courses, one of the sessions is an interview with an author and thought leader. This time, I'm the one in the hot seat being interviewed!

Amy Kemp is a successful entrepreneur and certified business coach with over twenty years of experience investing in people. As the owner and CEO of Amy Kemp, Inc., she coaches her clients in both one-on-one and small group engagements, and teaches in a variety of online webinars and in-person events each year. She lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband, Ryan, and their three children.
Media and Press Inquiries
For a list of media, podcasts, and press, click here.
For all media inquires, email us.
To download Amy's Electronic Press Kit, click here.