Do Less. Be More.
Transform your thought habits and become the leader you’ve always wanted to be.
When you're a woman who leads, sometimes you find your way blocked.
All of a sudden the forward path to progress doesn’t seem so easy to travel.
... it feels like you’ve lost your way on the path altogether.
... you encounter an obstacle that requires a new skill to navigate.
... you have traveled too far too fast and are exhausted and worn down.
... the “noise” in your mind is so loud, it distracts you from even taking the next step.
... you get pushed off the path by circumstances outside of your control.
Could you do more? Sure. But then you’d be more exhausted, more stuck, and more frustrated than you already are.
Not to mention you’ve probably already tried that.
That’s why I help women leaders focus on what drives them to do more in the first place: their thoughts.
When you change how you think, you change how you act too. The tricky part is, the majority of our thoughts happen subconsciously. They are deeply ingrained habits we aren't even aware exist.
So in order to return to progress and to find peace and contentment in the journey, you must first identify your thought habits.
How do you want to change your thought habits?

I’m Amy Kemp. A woman probably a lot like you.
For a long time, I didn’t describe myself as a “leader” because the word felt so official and intimidating, but I have always been someone who just seems to get things done, and who people instinctively turn to for direction.
I am also a “see-er” of women who lead.
Webster’s dictionary defines the word “see-er” simply as “one who sees.” Then, it offers the example - “The painter is the see-er, he whose trained eye is sensitive.” Like the painter whose eye is trained and extra-sensitive to the nuances of color and technique, my eye is trained and extra sensitive to the complexities and challenges of leadership, especially for women.
I see you, and I am here to help you get back on the path of progress.
"Our time together has helped me define and clarify what is important to me and my interactions with others on both a personal & professional level. I have made steps forward in situations that I was afraid to move on and have a plan for how to do that. As a result of our time together I had my best year in sales EVER!"
Tressie Clemans, Real Estate Agent