Full of gratitude.

I’m taking this week to bask in the glow of a successful I See You Book Launch Party & Workshop. I’m still astonished that people rearranged their lives and traveled from 17 different states to be there to celebrate and learn. What a gift your presence was to me!

I thought I’d share a few of my take-aways from the event while they are still fresh:

  • Magic happens when great people connect with one another. Many times I looked out at the crowds of people talking and meeting each other and thought, “Something great is going to come from that connection.” I can’t encourage you enough to engage in new relationships that elevate you.
  • Collaboration is my jam. From the start, I See You was a community creative experience. It is filled with your stories, your insights, and your ah-ha moments so it was no surprise that the book launch workshop felt so filled with teamwork. Staci and Jasmine with Experience Edit, Curtis at the soundboard, Joe behind his cameras, Lane, Jamie and Alison and our interviews, and so many more of you who participated in the program in a variety of ways. I am so grateful.
All of the Encounter Grads at the Workshop
  • I love being a student. As the book continues to move through the world and I get feedback, I am learning so much from all of you and how you experience its messages and principles and apply them. Thank you for being my teachers. You inspire me.
Lane from Chapters 8 & 9

As I continue to process, I’ll be sharing my thoughts and more pictures and videos on social media with all of you. Follow me on Instagram & Facebook to see them all!

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