Celebrate the (Small) Wins
I’ve been watching a lot of my daughter’s college volleyball games in the last few months, and I’ve been thinking…
When and why do adults stop enthusiastically celebrating daily small wins?
Take a scroll through these pictures and you will FEEL the pure, unfiltered, “I am a bad a#%” energy of a small win!

It’s also important to note that these celebrations did not happen after the game was won. They happened after a POINT was won. The team actually LOST this particular game, but nevertheless, they celebrated each small step of the process.
Also, did you notice that these amazing girls aren’t apologizing for their wins? They aren’t downplaying their small successes. They aren’t looking at the ground and dismissively saying, “Oh that. It was no big deal.” They are exuberant and joyful and LOUD of their small victories, and they should be! They are telling the world, “I did something great right there and it deserves celebrate!” I LOVE that!
I’m wondering what would happen if we all incorporated a little bit more of THIS in our adult work days?
I made the follow up call I was nervous about – YESSSSSSS.
I finished the handout for my upcoming presentation – YESSSSSS.
I got all the information my accountant needed emailed to her on time – YESSSSSSS.
I created and shared the post that made me feel vulnerable – YESSSSSS.
What if we celebrated the small wins that add up to the big ones like these athletes celebrate theirs?
Wouldn’t that be so much more fun?
Would we make so much more progress?
And wouldn’t we find so much more joy in the journey?
I love this! perspective is everything and I love how our children can be such great teachers!