Imagine this post is a welcome mat.

Today, I’m celebrating with you the first two months of the life of I See You, my very first book! And what a two months it has been!

I have loved seeing so many of you at book signings and interviews. Thanks for coming out and celebrating with me. Seeing your faces and feeling your energy has been such a confirmation of this creative journey.

A few important tidbits about the book:

  • I wrote I See You for women who want more influence, impact and income—without more work. Does that describe any of you?
  • My reader, she doesn’t need much help in the work ethic department. She can and usually does outwork everyone around her. (Eh hem, yep…I really do see you.)
  • This book isn’t a list of quick tips to “fix” you. I’m not the expert here to impart my sage wisdom upon you. I wrote it to feel like a one-on-one coaching session with me. This book is about you, not me.

If you don’t yet have a copy, you can get a paper copy, a digital copy or you can listen to it on Audible. Some people even do all three! Order or download yours ​here​ today.

Get the book.
Read or listen to it.
You’ll be so glad you did.

Most importantly, I want you to know that I really do see you.

I see you scrolling through all of the emails in your inbox, feeling a bit exhausted from carrying the weight of all you do at work and at home and all the people who depend on you. I see you longing for more but feeling like you’ve reached your max capacity in terms of how much you already work. I see your beautiful ambition and your quiet, nagging doubt. I see you questioning how long you can keep up at your current pace and searching for another way.

You are my people. I see you.

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